Sunday, December 21, 2008

What is true?

Well, for all three of my followers; I'm putting in a new thread of thought. I was pondering currently the reality that so many people believe so many different things and in so many different ways, how can you know what is true? Is it arrogant to say you know something is true?

My personal thought on the first question is that the only way to know if something is true is to ask the author of all truth and have him confirm to you that it is so or not so. This being revealed through the Holy Spirit to us.

For the second question, it would I think, be dishonest to say you really didn't know something for sure when you did. It would also be dishonest to cover up things you don't know, by saying something you don't or or not sure of, as if you did believe they were absolute truth.

Open for other thoughts.

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